Disclaimer: This article and template are created for educational purposes. At Narwhal, we believe in the Game Dev market and want to share our knowledge to encourage professionals to create more breathtaking products. You can freely use and modify this article and template under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. If you publicly republish this material, please provide a link to the original article. This template and guide are provided for informational purposes only. Narwhal Accelerator is not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use this template at your own risk.

<aside> 🔗 Link for P&L Template:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOK4DpPrYrOIDfPV0FjyHbEJ8f-pyCjX/edit?gid=1628354758#gid=1628354758



First of all, let’s start with the basics: what are Profits and Loss (a.k.a P&L)? Simply put, it is an instrument for controlling and forecasting the budget in your business. In game development, publishers and investors often ask for a budget breakdown, and P&L is one of the most suitable formats to validate your expenses and forecast your possible income.

<aside> 🫡 This template has been structured to support studios working on PC/Console premium games, seeking investment from a publisher or any other project-based investors. The template includes predefined synthetic data simulating a successful A/AA PC and Console premium game made by a new studio with a publisher.


We aim to keep this template simple and flexible, but it also has the potential to be modified to suit your studio's needs. In the section below, we will break down the P&L into specific lines and examine how these numbers affect your business.

Before we dive in, Narwhal would like to share some knowledge our team has accumulated over the years in investment, publishing, and production. During the Acceleration program, one of our key efforts is assisting studios in preparing the Data Room (with this P&L as a financial side of Data Room) and consulting you during the negotiation period with the next round investor. Here are some useful tips:

Guide to P&L


Let’s start with the most obvious part. Almost all of the expenses (around 80 percent) are studio labour costs, especially if you don’t have a sophisticated server infrastructure.

Let’s proceed to Monthly P&L tab and start from the "Total Salaries with Taxes" line


This is a list of your employees. You can freely add, delete, or change roles and their compensation. Be aware that we are using Net Salaries in the compensation rows. Gross salaries are summarised and calculated in the "Total Salaries with Taxes" line and in the years’ columns. You can adjust your tax parameters in the Parameters tab or modify this table to use Gross Salaries.

Another part of the Loss is contractors or outsourcing